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CROPTIX is a new field-based data collection for Plant Sap Analysis. Monitoring crop nutrition in real-time will allow farmers to adjust nutrient application management as a powerful disease prevention tool. This will reduce disease and insect pressure caused by our current excess use of chemical fertilisers, therefore reducing pesticides as well as decreasing water pollution caused by excess nitrate fertiliser run-off.


Hit the bullseye with Plant Sap Analysis (Precision Ag 2022 CropTix) to interpret your farm journey towards the;


Level 1 Complete Photosynthesis (Mg Fe Mn N P) Plants require adequate sap analysis measurements of magnesium, iron, manganese, nitrogen and *phosphorus to reach this level and begin developing passive immune resistance to soil-borne fungal pathogens. *Phosphorus is not directly involved in photosynthesis but is needed in photosynthate metabolism with the increased sugar production (RegenAg Academy 2020 “Plant Health Pyramid” John Kempf).

Level 2 Complete Metabolism (Mg S Mo B) Plants require adequate sap analysis measurements of magnesium, sulphur, molybdenum and *boron to reach this level and begin developing passive immune resistance to insects with simple digestive systems especially larval and sucking insects. *Boron is not directly involved in protein synthesis but contributes additional pest resistance (RegenAg Academy 2020 “Plant Nutrition Management” John Kempf).

Level 3 Complete Reproduction (Microbial Metabolites) Plants begin absorbing their nutrition in the form of microbial metabolites to reach this level and begin developing “active” immune resistance to air-borne fungal and bacterial pathogens. Because this level of nutrition is more energy efficient it allows the storage of fats and lipids (e.g. oils and waxes) that serve to shield the leaf surface from pathogenic attack of peptolytic enzymes (John Kempf 2020 RegenAg Academy “Rhyzophagy Cycle”).

Level 4 Complete Health (Plant Secondary Metabolites) Plants require the correct cultures (i.e. population ecology) of microbes in the plant microbiome, both in the rhizosphere and the phyllosphere to reach this level and begin developing “active” immune resistance whereby microbes trigger Plant Immune pathways (eg. SAR and ISR) that result in increased concentrations of immune compounds and resistance metabolites (RegenAg Academy 2020 “Regenerative Agriculture Ecosystems” John Kempf).

Active Immune compounds and plant Resistance Metabolites can be transferred along the Nutrient-Dense-Food-Chain and pass onto the animals, and people, who eat them.


Our range of Bio-Stimulants are traditionally fermented by enlivening cells to adjust into a quickening of exponential growth, whereby most of the Nutrients and Trace- Minerals are consumed as Microbial Metabolites, potentising a BIO-ACTIVE hydrolysate formula with the complete set of enzyme co-factors required to fuel nutrition pathways towards Nutrient-Dense-Cell-Growth, thus supporting the Microbiome to grow a healthy functioning immune system which displays a naturally robust ‘Epigenetic’ resistance to pests and disease!
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