Biological Nutrition Farming
Bio-Nutrient application measured using Plant Sap Analysis
Bio-Force maximises performance of your crop by measuring plant nutrition using sap analysis for management of bio-nutrient application during the growing season​
BIO-FORCE Health Pyramid
Step 1 Complete Photosynthesis (Glycome) H-C-O
Bio-Force ROOT increases Photosynthesis allowing plants to make excess sugar which they release from their roots to feed soil microbes. Healthy plants convert Simple Sugars into Complex Carbohydrates, which removes the food source for ‘soil-borne’ fungal pathogens.
Nutrition Management of phosphorus, manganese, iron and zinc using plant sap analysis (RegenAg Academy 2020 “Rhizophagy Cycle” John Kempf)
Step 2 Complete Metabolism (Proteome) H-C-N
Bio-Force SHOOT increases Protein Synthesis allowing plant metabolism for vegetative cell growth of shoot, leaf and stem. Healthy plants convert Soluble Nitrogen into Complete Proteins, which removes the food source for ‘sap-borne’ pathogens with simple digestive systems such as larval and sucking insects.
Nutrition Management of nitrogen, calcium, boron and molybdenum using plant sap analysis (RegenAg Academy 2020 “Plant Nutrition Management” John Kempf)
Step 3 Complete Reproduction (Lipidome) H-C-OH
Bio-Force FRUIT increases Lipid Synthesis allowing energy stores for reproductive cell growth of blossom, flower and fruit-set-fill-ripening. Healthy plants convert Fatty-Acids into Complete Fats and Lipids which strengthening cell walls to attack from ‘air-borne’ fungal and bacterial pathogens.
Nutrition Management of Potassium, magnesium, silica and copper using plant sap analysis (RegenAg Academy 2020 “Plant Health Pyramid” John Kempf)
​Step 4 Complete Health (Epigenome)
Bio-Force BOOST increases Secondary Metabolite Synthesis allowing triggers that boost ‘Epigenetic’ growth of immune pathways. Healthy plants strategically make immune compounds and resistance metabolites which build a strong immune system for a natural defense against pests and disease!
Nutrition Management takes the form of microbial metabolites (RegenAg Academy 2020 “Regenerative Agriculture Ecosystems” John Kempf)
Microbial metabolite nutrition transferers along the Nutrient-Dense-Food-Chain (BioNutrientFoodAssociation 2010 Dan Kittredge)
​Monitoring plant nutrition using sap analysis to manage nutrient application will become a powerful disease prevention tool. This can reduce disease and insect pressure caused by the current excess use of chemical fertilisers, thus reducing pesticide use. It can also help to decrease water pollution caused by excess chemical nitrate and phosphate fertiliser run-off.